showing 17 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwarddescription
Laser Tank Duel Renaissance Game Designs1982 labelimageminimize
Tanks 80 Micros1982 labelminimizeminimize
Tank T & D Subscription Software1982 labelminimizeminimize
Death Trap Soft Sector Marketing (The Rugby Circle)1983Navigate the maze to find the four [b]❖[/b]diamonds. [b]D[/b]estro-mines, [b]H[/b]ypermines (teleport), [b]T[/b]ank-mines (extra life),[b]P[/b]oints, [b]M[/b]ap view, [b]F[/b]uel pickups, and [b]?[/b]mystery pickups are scattered throughout the maze. Triggering a mine or running out of fuel means certain death as sitting still for too long prompts a flying ▣deathsquare to seek you out. The ▣deathsquare can be out run or the player can press H to teleport to a random point in the maze.

The map size is 128x64 tiles, the same as The Legend of Zelda for NES.
Kron Oregon Color Computer Systems1983 labelminimizeminimize
Trickashay  AHL Computing1983 labelminimizeminimize
3D Seiddab Attack Hewson1984 labelimageminimize
Electron Spectral Associates;Tom Mix Software1984[media=youtube]kgxHHGEOP5Q[/media]***More than just the usual light-cycle game, this is a full clone of the Tron coin-op game with all four sequences; Spiders, MCP, Light Cycles, and Tanks. It's all here, the spiders even multiply by division.

Simply walk into the structure in the center of the room. Except there are four-legged digital spiders in your way. And every few minutes, they split into additional four-legged digital spiders. This alone creates an urgency to exit the room, but there is also countdown to certain death.

Players dive into the beam of light and are pulled up to be smashed into the MCP's circular wall of shields. Players can remove sections of the shield but new sections always scroll in from the left. Punch a hole and run through.

It's Pac-Man, [i]with shooting TANKS![/i]. Shoot all the enemy tanks and escape.

[b]Light Cycles[/b]
The classic snake game for two or more players where the snake grows as fast as it moves. Cycles make 90° turns and leave an ever present trail of harmful light wherever they go; don't go into the light.

Play each game and they all reset to a harder version to play again, 12 times! What happens after the 12th win, someone would have to accomplish that for us to know :)***Tron-like
Rommel's Revenge Design Design Software (Rainbow Software)1984 labelminimizeminimize
Rommel 3-D  MichTron1985 labelminimizeminimize
Cyber Tank  Mark Data Products1986 labelminimizeminimize
Koronis Rift Epyx (Lucasfilm Games)1986Beautiful use of 16 colors. labelimageminimize
Panzer T&D Software1986 labelminimizeminimize
Noids T & D Subscription Software1987 labelminimizeminimize
Rush'N Assault Diecom1988 labelminimizeminimize
Turret T&D Software1988 labelminimizeminimize
Mega Tank Rainbow1991 labelminimizeminimize